Learn & Grow/Community Life/The Benefits of Tai Chi
Community Life, Health & Wellness, Lifestyle, Living at GreenFields of Geneva

The Benefits of Tai Chi

Slow. Steady. Mindful. Those probably aren’t the three words that come to mind when you think about working out. But those are precisely the characteristics that make Tai Chi such a beneficial workout for seniors.

A combination of graceful, purposeful, choreographed movements and meditation, Tai Chi calls on a mind-body connection that is shown to improve balance and prevent falls. Introduced in the U.S. from China in the 1940s, Tai Chi teaches you to be aware of how your body moves in space and how you shift your weight from foot to foot.

As international Tai Chi fitness expert Scott Cole told the AARP, Tai Chi practitioners “learn to sink into the earth and feel the connection with their feet,” which can help them negotiate uneven surfaces.

But a renewed steadiness is just the beginning of the many benefits of Tai Chi. It also helps decrease stress hormones produced by the sympathetic nervous system, which can lower your heart rate and blood pressure while improving your immune system. It also helps fight osteoarthritis by reducing stiffness and easing pain.

Come by the Fitness Center, and you’ll find GreenFields residents gracefully flowing through a Tai Chi class.

The slow, deliberate nature of Tai Chi makes it the perfect low-impact exercise for seniors at any fitness level. As a resident of GreenFields, Tai Chi is only one of the many classes, programs, and activities you can participate in. Call today to learn more about all the great programming offered.

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